Obsolete commands

Commands in this chapter should not be used in new projects. They are obsolete and their presence is solely for compatibility with earlier versions of QGrid.

Legacy code that includes these commands will run without problem for now. However, it is highly recommended that you update the relevant parts of the code to use newer commands.

These are the obsolete commands:

QGObs_GetQuickTimeVersion Returns the version of QuickTime on your machine
QGObs_SetAreaStyle Configures the visual appearance of a QGrid plug-in area
QGObs_GetAreaStyle Returns the visual appearance configuration of a QGrid plug-in area
QGObs_SetCaptionStyle Sets the caption text appearance
QGObs_GetCaptionStyle Returns the current caption text appearance settings
QGObs_SetDragSignatures Configures a grid area to allow dragging
QGObs_GetDragSignatures Returns the signatures that are allowed to be dragged from a grid area
QGObs_SetDropSignatures Configures a grid area to allow dropping
QGObs_GetDropSignatures Returns the signatures that are allowed to be dropped on a grid area
QGObs_GetDragSource Returns information about the last drop event on a grid area