
Create a new property in an XMP data object.
XMPData_CreateProperty(xmpDataRef;propPath;propType) ➔ success
xmpDataRef Text The XMP data reference.
propPath Text The property path.
propType Longint The property type.
↩︎ success Longint Completion status: 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

Create a new XMP property.

Parameter xmpDataRef is the reference to the XMP data object.

Parameter propPath is the full path of the new property. If the path specifies a nested property, the parent property must exist.

Parameter propType is the property type. The constants identifying the XMP property types are listed in the following table:

Constant Value Description
kXMPPropTypeSimple 0x0001 Simple property (text).
kXMPPropTypeStructure 0x0002 Structure property.
kXMPPropTypeArray 0x000C Array property (ordered collection).
kXMPPropTypeBag 0x0004 Bag property (unordered collection).
kXMPPropTypeLangAltArray 0x003C LangAlt property (language alternatives).
kXMPPropTypeUnsupported -1