
Return the Q2Pix error info for the current process.
ImgErr_GetInfo_JSN ➔ errInfoJSON
↩︎ errInfoJSON Text The error info in JSON format.

Return the Q2Pix error info for the current process.

The error info is returned in errInfoJSON as a 4D object serialized in JSON format.

The error info object contains the following properties:

Property name Type Description
Domain String The domain of the error. For errors triggered by Q2Pix the domain will be "Q2Pix". Other possible values include (but are not limited to) "POSIX", "Cocoa" (on macOS), "WIC", "D2D", "Win32" (on Windows), and "Pdfium".
Code Longint The error code, interpreted in the specific domain.
Description String The description of the error (optional).
Reason String The reason why the error happened (optional).
Method String The method where the error occurred (optional).


The ImgErr_GetInfo, ImgErr_GetDomain, and ImgErr_GetCode methods in Q2PixLib are wrappers to this method.